American Football Series II, Video 1

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Brandon Hoybach
HiS PRINT Staff,
Former Missionary in Croatia (Texas)

Brandon Hoybach has had a love for football since he could remember. He always enjoyed playing in the backyard or nearby parks with friends. He played 3 years in high school as a defensive tackle and center. Little known fact is that he was also a backup kicker. Brandon did not play in college but did attend Virginia Tech University for two years. He transferred and ended up graduating from George Mason University with major in Administration of Justice. 

Shortly after college he ventured into full time ministry as part of a church planting team in Split, Croatia. In the fall of 2002 Brandon and his family packed up their things and headed to Split, Croatia. While in Split he helped to establish, play for, and coach an American Football team - the Split Seawolves. In 2008 he moved to the Houston area as full-time campus minister at the University of Houston. 

Brandon is involved in HiS PRINT because he has a deep passion to reach the nations with the gospel and forever change the destiny of youth around the world. HE DID IT…LET’S DO IT! 

Brandon has served as the Director of Football Operations for HiS PRINT since 2011. 

Devotional by Ken Hatfield
Head Coach (Retired) Rice University - Arkansas

Coach Hatfield served as the head football coach at the United States Air Force Academy (1979–1983), the University of Arkansas (1984–1989), Clemson University (1990–1993), and Rice University (1994–2005), compiling a career college football record of 168–140–4. He is always strong in his faith and believes in building football players into strong men, physically on the field, academically in the classroom and morally and spiritually in life. He is retired and lives in Arkansas.
